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25 Best Support Groups for Caregivers

Finding the right support groups for caregivers can be hectic. It’s just one piece of the puzzle as families get to provide the support they need for their loved ones. Family caregivers can get information, self-care techniques, and peer support via support groups.

These friendly, encouraging, and private groups—facilitated by qualified professionals—offer caregivers the chance to develop new abilities, connect with other caregivers, and learn about available community services.

Finding support groups for caregivers near me is highly possible because these platforms are available online. Today, with a single search online, you can see a list of several support groups, including their location and area of specialization.

Understanding Caregiver’s support groups

What support groups for caregivers are the best? Do you know a renowned support group that offers financial and emotional support? Caregiver support groups provide an opportunity to exchange experiences, receive and provide emotional support, and learn more about providing care for various ailments. Each group has a unique structure.

Every group has a different framework; some are more relaxed and participatory, while others are highly organized. Groups guided by peers may take a more casual approach, whereas groups facilitated by professionals or qualified moderators typically give more structure.

Best Support Groups for Caregivers

Although caring for a friend or loved one comes with a lot of duty, it can also be a very fulfilling and enjoyable experience. It can, however, be isolating and lonely for many without the right assistance from family members or caregiver support groups. Numerous kinds of caregiver support near me are accessible virtually and physically. In this area, we will explore the best support groups for caregivers that offer several supports.

Caregivers Connect

Caregivers Connect is a forum for enlightening, supporting, and encouraging caregivers, regardless of whether they are tending to a spouse, family member, or other loved one. To strengthen their supporting community, members of this support group frequently share their personal stories, inspirational quotes, and useful links.

The Purple Sherpa Basecamp

The Purple Sherpa Basecamp

This support group was started by the primary caregiver and daughter of an Alzheimer’s patient, and it is aimed at those who provide care for patients with memory-impairing conditions. It breaks the barrier that makes many caregivers feel alone and gives them a place to vent and encourage one another.

Caregiver Action Network (CAN)

CAN works to support all kinds of caregivers, which includes family caregivers who raise disabled children, assist injured veterans, and those who have dementia and other age-related debilitating illnesses. CAN offers family caregivers resources, education, and peer support through a sizable network of diverse caregivers. The services are all provided at no cost.

Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA)

The online caregiver support group offered by FCA is specifically designed for family caregivers of patients suffering from physical and cognitive diseases such as stroke, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and brain traumas.

Memory People

It could be beneficial to join Memory People if your loved one has Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or other illnesses that cause memory loss. Alzheimer’s patient Rick Phelps started this exclusive Facebook community so that other sufferers and caregivers may connect and exchange experiences.

Caring for Spouse with Dementia

This is a special support group for dementia caregivers that provides insight from a particular perspective. It’s a developing and beneficial resource for individuals managing a spouse’s illness while providing care. It’s one of the support groups for caregivers of spouses near me that caregivers can give a shot. Alternatively, a simple Google search of “support groups for dementia caregivers near me.”

The Caregiver Space Community

This community, called the Caregiver Space Community, is for those who look after senior family members who may be sick or disabled. Family, friends, and caregivers in the workforce are encouraged to join this more than 7,000-member club to network and share stories.



CarePredict offers online support to family caregivers and relatives. It acknowledges that caregivers experience loneliness and that they require support systems and a location to access local resources. CarePredict online support groups for caregivers of elderly parents remain among the best online support groups for older people.

Caregivers Hub Support Group

Regarding giving care, some of us are more experienced than others. The Caregivers Hub Support Group is designed to assist novice caregivers by offering a platform for them to learn from “veteran” caregivers and support for all caregivers, families, and professionals.

Caring for Elderly Parents

The group’s organizers understand that caring for your aging parent could be among the most difficult circumstances you have ever encountered. The group allows individuals to vent, ask concerns, or just be heard to reduce stress. With simple support groups for caregivers of elderly parents near me, you can find the nearest elderly support group of your choice.

Caregivers of Narcissistic Family Members

The difficulties of taking care of a narcissistic family member can be openly discussed in this safe support group for caregivers. The group members offer recommendations and practical advice to enhance the health of the senior loved one and the caregiver.

Caregiver Support Community

The Caregiver Support Community is a warm and encouraging community for family caregivers only; it is not for carers by profession, staff members of assisted living facilities, past caregivers, or anybody marketing goods or services. The group encourages you to discuss your experience of providing care before you join.

Parent to Parent USA

A non-profit group called Parent to Parent USA is aware of the difficulties parents and guardians face when coping with various kinds of disability. They developed a free tool that pairs parents with one another to provide one-on-one support.

Eldercare Locator

The US Administration maintains the Eldercare Locator resource on aging. You can get the resources that you require through this platform. They offer a directory of resources ranging from legal aid to dietary advice.

Parkinson’s Foundation

Parkinson’s Foundation

To locate local chapters and resources in your area, use the Parkinson’s Foundation locator. Support groups are among the services local chapters provide and can be found in the results listing.

Men’s group

One of the main factors contributing to caregivers’ mental illness is a lack of support groups for caregivers. Men’s group is an online support group for men who provide caregiving services; it provides group support, assistance, and direction to guys in the caregiving industry. Through their common experiences, these men form a supportive network that is eager to assist others who may be in similar situations.

Working Daughters

Being a caregiver is a big job in and of itself, but juggling a job simultaneously can make things even more difficult. A group for women who are balancing a profession, taking on the role of caregiver, and living their life simultaneously is called Working Daughter. Women are invited to join for a secure space to ask questions and offer guidance to others and for a supportive and encouraging group.

American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society remains one of the best free online caregiver support groups you can find. People can locate local support groups for specific cancer kinds on the “Search for Resources” tab of the American Cancer Society. In the “program” area, select “support” and the cancer after entering your ZIP code or city and state.

Mental Health America

Taking on the role of a loved one’s caregiver is not an easy undertaking. Mental Health America offers you the assistance you require and a sympathetic ear. They offer guidance and support to you and your loved one should they also require mental health caregiver support.

Support groups for caregivers on Mayo address caregiver stress-related issues. This subject includes self-care advice, examples of how providing care can be rewarding and difficult, symptoms of caregiver stress, and coping mechanisms.



CaringBridge aims to facilitate connections for people at any point in their health journey. With the CaringBridge Planner, your loved ones can create an online community with people going through similar experiences by sharing health updates and offering support to one another.

AgingCare’s Caregiver Forum

All caregiving queries are promptly addressed on this lively message board or forum by AgingCare, a partner website of A Place for Mom. Three distinct tabs are available for selection: Needs Answers, Most Popular, and Recent Activity.

The Alzheimer’s Association

The Alzheimer’s Association provides a variety of support groups across the United States for those who are caring for a loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia. All support groups are offered at no cost and are facilitated by qualified professionals.

National Stroke Association

Caregivers, family members, and stroke victims can use the Stroke Support Group Finder tool provided by the National Stroke Association. Licensed counselors lead local support groups for the National Stroke Association and typically convene at the closest hospital.

Your Favorite support groups

We’ve provided 24 support groups for caregivers and would like to know what one support group we’ve left from the list is.

How to Find the Best Support Groups for Caregivers?

Search online

You can start with free caregiver support groups near me. To locate the closest Area Agency on Aging and other state and local resources for elders and caregivers, enter your zip code or city into the federal government’s Eldercare Locator. Disease associations, including CancerCare and the Alzheimer’s Association, frequently provide resources for locating online and in-person support.

Ascertain the format

Does the facilitator work with the group? Some don’t have a leader who has formal training. You might favor one strategy over the other. As well as the group’s policy regarding confidentiality. One should adhere to the regulations of Las Vegas: Within the group, what is said stays within the group.

Keep an open mind

If there aren’t many options in your region, don’t discount a support group because it’s not exactly tailored to your needs.


Different support groups for caregivers are available, whether you need one yourself or know someone who does. Finding a community of support, whether online or in person, can take a tremendous amount of stress off you and lessen the burden of caring for a loved one.


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