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How Much Does a Live in Caregiver Make a Month?

How Much Does a Live in Caregiver Make a Month

How much does a live in caregiver make a month is compulsory for anyone contemplating on people their loved offer home support. Traditionally, families take care of their senior loved ones in their homes. Families sometimes live far apart, and even those who don’t still have to work outside the home to make ends meet. The time we would like to spend with our aging parents has been taken by modern life.

There’s an annoying cliche about life having complete circles. When one of our parents begins to age progressively and needs assistance with ordinarily routine tasks, however, it never seems more accurate.

However, full-time job demands disappear as our parents age. What occurs when you still must work and must provide for your parents but want to be there for them? This is the point at which a live in caregiver enters the picture. A caregiver gives you great peace of mind that everything will be okay, whether they come to your home to care for your loved one’s everyday needs while you’re at work or live there permanently.

We’ll go over what a live-in caregiver provides below. Various solutions are available based on the requirements of your loved ones. And at the heart of it all, regardless of your choice, is comfort. In addition, we will provide a statistics-based answer to the most important question – how much does a live in caregiver make a month?

What Is Live In-Home Care?

Many times, live in care is mistaken for overnight or 24-hour care. Whether offered by a private or a professional caregiver, live in care gives the caregiver lodging space. Along with the care recipient, the live in caregiver moves into the home and can sleep and take breaks. The care plan for a live in caregiver usually includes five to eight hours of sleep per day, though there may be some schedule modification to ensure that the caregiver’s and the care recipient’s sleep habits are in sync.

What Is Live In-Home Care?

In both overnight and 24-hour care agreements, the caregiver is compensated for staying awake and on duty even when the care receiver is asleep during these times. A senior is always supervised during the 24-hour period, which is frequently organized by an agency and divided into shifts supervised by several caregivers. Employing 24-hour care guarantees that older adults stay as secure as possible in their homes at all times of the day and night.

We have a dedicated guide that differentiates live-in care vs 24-hour care, helping you understand the key differences, benefits, and earning potentials from a caregiver’s perspective, so you can choose the best option for your career and your clients’ needs.

How does a Live in Caregiver work?

Customers’ residences must fulfill several requirements to qualify for a live in care. For instance, they are not permitted to reside in a bachelor apartment. A separate room, solitude, and time off are essential for live in caregivers. An appropriate work schedule with well-defined time off must be negotiated to provide live-in care.

When the live in Caregiver is not around to provide care, many families plan for friends or relatives to watch the care recipient. Not only is live in care the most expensive type of in-home care, but it is also the most comprehensive. Even with this, moving into a senior living community is sometimes more expensive than live-in care.

How much does a live in Caregiver make a month?

The amount of education and experience a live in caregiver has, the family size they look after, and the location of their employment are just a few of the variables that can affect their pay. With an average yearly salary of $39,606, the estimated total compensation for a live-in caregiver in the United States is $41,819. In this case, the answer to how much does a live in caregiver make a month will vary between $3305 to $3484.

The middle of the ranges from several Total Pay Estimate models, which are based on wages gathered from our users, is represented by these values, which is known as the median. An annual increase in compensation of $2,213 is anticipated. Commissions, tips, profit-sharing, and cash bonuses are examples of additional compensation.

The Role of Live in Caregivers

The Role of Live in Caregivers

A live-in caregiver’s precise tasks and obligations will differ from client to client. For example, your extroverted aunt could require less assistance with her mobility than Grace, the neighbor who lives in a wheelchair. However, since she lives alone, Aunt Mary might gain more from leaving the house to attend appointments and socialize.

A live in caregiver can assist with:

  • Mobility and security concerns
  • Individual hygiene and urination
  • Support during the night (within reason; see below)
  • Medication administration
  • cooking, ironing, laundry, and light housekeeping
  • Personal organization, communication, and financial assistance
  • Veterinary care
  • Help with appointments and social events (many caregivers will drive)
  • company and emotional assistance

Job Requirement for a Live in Caregiver

To work as a live in caregiver, one might need to fulfill the following qualifications:


High school graduation or its equivalent is a minimum requirement for most caregivers. Following an associate or bachelor’s degree in nursing or a similar field may be the path some caretakers take. In fields including illness prevention, medicine administration, and health evaluation, these degrees can aid caregivers in developing their knowledge and abilities.

Education & Background

Employers typically provide on-the-job training to live in caregivers. Depending on the company and the experience level of the live in caregiver, this training may take a few days or many weeks. During this, the live-in caregiver will learn about their employer’s everyday schedule, the tasks they will be assigned, and the guidelines that must be followed in the home. Additionally, they will discover the company’s favored approaches to work completion.

Certifications & Licenses

Live-in caretakers may be subject to a drug test and a criminal record check by some employers. Caregivers also might have to earn caregiver certifications as well as essential life support (BLS) and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certifications.

Skills Live in Caregivers need



The act of communicating with others is known as communication. You might have to contact the doctors, other caretakers, and the family members of your employer as a caregiver. You may communicate vital information to your employer, such as their daily routine and health status, by using communication.


Flexibility is the capacity to change course when circumstances warrant it. As a caregiver, you might have to modify your daily schedule to accommodate your client’s needs. For instance, you might have to reschedule your morning activities to ensure your client’s doctor’s appointment goes as planned. The caregiver flexibility level will also determine how much does a live in caregiver make a month. Therefore, it’s important to take that into consideration.


The capacity to comprehend and feel another person’s emotions is known as empathy. Empathy can be a valuable tool for caregivers to comprehend their patients’ needs better. Empathy may assist you in understanding how to relieve a patient’s misery.


Given that older adults and children may have different personalities or learning styles from their own, patience is an essential trait for caretakers. When dealing with complex patients—such as those who have Alzheimer’s or other mental illnesses—you can utilize patience to your advantage.

Benefits of Live-In Care

Offsetting the room and board portion of the care costs is a great idea, particularly if the senior already has a large living area. A senior who lives at home can make their schedule, get the help they require in a private setting, and continue to be a community member. An otherwise lonely senior may benefit from the company and socializing that live-in assistants can offer. Knowing that an aging loved one is in the house with a caretaker round-the-clock often brings families peace of mind.

Drawbacks of Live-In Care

However, depending on the person you employ and the specifics of their contract, there may be drawbacks to hiring live-in care. Long-term care is costly, especially if you must pay for it out of cash.

Drawbacks of Live-In Care

The practical obstacles of hiring a live-in caregiver are like those of employing an independent caregiver, as most live-in caregivers are recruited privately. It is totally up to the family to investigate the Caregiver’s references, background, and credentials. After employment, the family must also deal with intricate tax obligations, payroll, and other documentation.


The role of a live in as a caregiver is more challenging than many might think. It involves several processes and skills. If you find yourself walking this part, it is natural to ask how much does a live in caregiver make a month. Suppose you feel you are passionate about caring for older adults. In that case, the path is wide open for you to become whatever you want if you improve yourself and acquire the necessary certifications.


How does using a live-in caregiver operate?

Typically, they will function in a rotating manner. For instance, one Caregiver might stay with your family member for a month before taking a two-week vacation. During this time, a different caregiver will take over. The goal of live-in caregivers is to make sure a small group of well-known individuals looks after your loved one.

Do family caregivers in the US get paid for their work?

A friend or relative may be able to work as a paid caregiver if the disabled person currently gets Medicaid in their state. Programs for consumer-directed personal assistance are what several states refer to them as.

Does being a caregiver require skill?

Caregivers need specialized abilities to improve the quality of life for their clients or loved ones; this much is obvious. Their health and well-being are your top priorities as a caregiver. It will require a specific skill set for you to accomplish it. These abilities cover a wide range, from effective communication to time management.


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